In this video, Mr. Guenther explains Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Over the past 33 years, Daniel has helped over a thousand clients in Southern Maryland (Prince George’s, Charles, St. Mary’s and Calvert counties) get out of debt and obtain a fresh start through a Chapter 7.
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most widely used bankruptcy to help people get debt free.
Most people can keep all of their assets and still become debt free with a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Presently, under the Maryland exemption laws, you may find that you will keep your assets and still become debt free with a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you have a car with a lien or home with a mortgage, you will want to keep these debts current if you choose to keep these assets.
The majority of our clients file a Chapter 7 to become completely debt free and still keep their home, car, bank accounts and other personal assets.