These articles provide useful details of the services we offer.
We provide information we think will be useful to our readers and clients.
This information is NOT meant as a substitute for professional legal advice.
We encourage you to do your due diligence and conduct your own research on various legal topics.
In the meantime, we will share articles that we feel will be particularly beneficial to you.
Student Loan Bankruptcy Discharge
This article addresses student loan bankruptcy discharge. While it’s difficult, it’s possible. You’ll need an experienced bankruptcy attorney to assist.
My Personal Bankruptcy Story: Part 1
Bankruptcy can be a scary event. I was scared. But, my personal bankruptcy story should help you overcome your fears.
Debt Consolidation vs. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Debt consolidation is very different from filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This video by a highly experienced bankruptcy attorney describes the difference.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Explained
Dan Guenther has successfully used a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to help hundreds of Maryland residents in Charles, Prince George, Calvert and St, Mary’s counties.
Exempt Property or Assets
A skilled Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney will maximize your exempt property with the goal of helping you keep your assets while discharging your debts.
Bankruptcy Chapters Explained
In this video, Dan Guenther explains bankruptcy chapters, or the four most common chapters of bankruptcy used in America today.
How to Stop Foreclosure
This article explains how to stop foreclosure, keep your home and other possessions and improve your credit score in the process.
Debt Liquidation
Debt liquidation or debt elimination are easy to understand if you have the advice of an experienced Waldorf bankruptcy attorney. Debt liquidation or elimination is the act of removing or getting out of debt through the discharge of debts owed. You can liquidate the following debts…
5 Bankruptcy Myths Debunked
5 Bankruptcy Myths Debunked is an article originally authored by Susan Johnson that addresses fictions surrounding consumer bankruptcy.